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Prioritising Employee Wellbeing: Effective Fatigue Management, Quality Sleep, and Risk Reduction in the Workplace

Mental wellbeing in the workplace

Ensuring a healthy and stress-free work environment is not just good business; it’s a legal obligation. Under the Workplace Health and Safety Act 2011, employers are mandated to take practical steps to minimise psychological hazards. The toll of mental stress on Australian businesses is staggering, costing over $10 billion annually.

Addressing this issue is crucial for any organisation, as stress-related disorders lead to prolonged absences, averaging 14.8 weeks compared to the overall average of 5.3 weeks for all claims.

Workplace Stress Checklist:

  1. Identifying Psychological Hazards:
    • Recognising workplace stress and fatigue as primary psychological hazards is the first step.
    • Tools provided by Worksafe QLD offer valuable insights into stress levels within your organisation.
  2. Encouraging Downtime:
    • Constant connectivity through various channels contributes to burnout.
    • Promote non-work outlets such as recreational activities to help employees unwind. Click here as an example
    • Consider introducing recreational spaces, like ping pong tables, to create a healthy balance. We converted a smokers hut into a recreational area for a great site workplace change.
  3. Reviewing Work Hours:
    • Employees working over 40 hours per week are six times more likely to experience burnout.
    • Explore options like remote work, flexible hours, and clear communication of roles and responsibilities.
    • Distribute overtime across multiple employees to prevent excessive workload on individuals.
  4. Engaging Under-Challenged Employees:
    • Empower employees in monotonous roles with opportunities for personal development.
    • Offer training, involve them in critical tasks, and explore participatory ergonomics to enhance engagement. Do this at the click of a button with Health Stack
  5. Celebrating Success:
    • Acknowledge and celebrate achievements to foster a positive team culture.
    • Utilise wellness programs to highlight success beyond production accomplishments.



Managing Fatigue:

  1. Understanding the Impact of Inadequate Sleep:
    • Almost 40% of Australian adults suffer from inadequate sleep.
    • Sleep-deprived workers take 12 days of sick leave per year, double the national average.
    • Are your frontline leaders trained on early warning signs and how to get a tired worker to the end of their shift safely? We can help with this!
  2. Identifying Causes of Fatigue:
    • Poor rostering, long commutes, sleep disorders, new parenthood, and shift work contribute to fatigue.
    • 30% of adult workers have some form of sleep disorder, fix this with our Better Sleep program.
  3. Educating the Workforce:
    • Implement initiatives to educate employees on improving sleep health.
    • Provide access to free sleep tests with local GPs, promoting overall wellbeing. This can be done in our Better Sleep program.


Prioritising employee wellbeing through effective fatigue management, quality sleep, and risk reduction not only fulfills legal obligations but also contributes to a healthier, more productive work environment. By addressing these key factors, employers can reduce the risk of burnout, improve employee satisfaction, and foster a positive workplace culture.

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