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The Link Between Breathing and Better Sleep

In the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, sleep often takes a backseat. It was certainly popular to brag about how little sleep you can operate on, I hope this is changing!

Many of us find ourselves tossing and turning at night, struggling with sleep problems that leave us feeling fatigued and drained the next day. But what if I told you that the key to better sleep could be as simple as paying attention to your breathing?

Breathing is a fundamental aspect of our physiology, yet it’s often overlooked when it comes to addressing sleep issues. One of the leading causes of sleep issues is Obstructive Sleep Apnoea, this is a breathing issue that fundamentally plays out when you’re asleep. However, research suggests that proper breathing techniques can play a significant role in promoting restful sleep and combating fatigue.

Another common sleep problem people face is difficulty falling asleep. Racing thoughts, stress, and anxiety can all contribute to this issue, making it hard to quiet the mind and drift off into slumber. However, focusing on peaceful, slow breathing can help calm the nervous system and signal to the body that it’s time to relax. Research shows us that when we prolong exhales, it slows down the heart and prepares us for rest. We will show you this technique, click this link to head there now. 


By taking slow, deliberate breaths, you activate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which promotes a state of rest and relaxation conducive to sleep. It’s science.

Moreover, shallow breathing, which is common during periods of stress or anxiety, can exacerbate sleep problems. When we breathe shallowly it increases our heart rate and arousal, making it difficult to fall asleep. By practising deep breathing exercises, we can counteract this effect promoting a sense of calm that facilitates sleep.


But it’s not just the act of breathing itself that influences sleep quality; it’s also the way we breathe throughout the night. Many people are unaware that their breathing patterns can impact the quality of their sleep, particularly those who suffer from sleep apnea or snoring. These conditions disrupt normal breathing patterns during sleep, leading to fragmented sleep and daytime fatigue. You should get a test if you snore or if you find yourself struggling with fatigue during the day. You can click here to to access a test delivered to your home.


For individuals with sleep apnea, stopping breathing during sleep will trigger awakenings throughout the night, preventing them from reaching deep, restorative stages of sleep. Fortunately, early interventions such as weight loss, exercise and treatments such as continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy can help keep the airway open during sleep, allowing for uninterrupted breathing and better sleep quality.

In addition to addressing underlying sleep disorders, adopting healthy breathing habits can further enhance sleep quality and alleviate fatigue. Simple practices such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or diaphragmatic breathing exercises can promote relaxation and improve sleep onset and maintenance. You can find all of these modules in our Stress toolkit and wellness areas of your site pages. New research is also giving us great ways to treat insomnia using CBT-i, which stands for Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for insomnia. This treatment focuses on improving sleep quality within 4-6 sessions using sleep restriction, stimulus control and relaxation techniques for a long-term solution to sleep Stack Prevention

Furthermore, optimising your sleep environment can also support healthy breathing and better sleep. Keeping your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet can help create an optimal sleep environment, while investing in a comfortable mattress and pillows can ensure proper spinal alignment and respiratory function during sleep.

In conclusion, the connection between breathing and better sleep is undeniable. By paying attention to our breathing patterns and adopting healthy breathing habits, we can improve sleep quality, alleviate fatigue, and wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated each morning. So, the next time you find yourself struggling to sleep, take a moment to focus on your breath—it might just be the key to a restful night’s sleep.

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